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easy rider meaning in Hindi

easy rider sentence in Hindi
easy    सरलता सावधानि से
rider    आरोही घुड़सवार
1."Hopper had liberated ` Easy Rider'from the prettifying esthetic of technical excellence,"

2.For her, " Easy Rider " represents a turning point in films.

3."Easy Rider " captured the giddy spirit of late-' 60s hippie culture.

4.It was written by folksinger Terry Gilkyson, of The Easy Riders fame.

5.Jack Nicholson, hot off " Easy Rider, " was set to star.

6.Pepper, Easy Rider and Peter Max-- but now have jobs, families and mortgages.

7.Hopper's films include 1969's " Easy Rider " with Peter Fonda.

8.But most of the Hollywood titles included this year _ " Easy Rider,"

9.:I presume that you're referring to this section : Easy Rider # Motorcycles.

10.Huston said of her first meeting with the " Easy Rider " star.

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How to say easy rider in Hindi and what is the meaning of easy rider in Hindi? easy rider Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.